Galería Changing Planet 2023

Gold Miners Up Early de Louis Guillot de London (London)
Lugar: Peru, Tambopata
Descripción: I saw these illegal gold miners on a boat trip down a river in the Amazon. It is easy to build a hatred for these people, they help fuel the destruction of the jungle and in some areas are responsible for the genocide of indigenous communities. Not all gold miners are like this though. Those I met were normal people who were desperate and needed to feed their families. Many actually loved nature.

Louis Guillot

Fire Victim de Gerard Carbonell Morales de Barcelona (Barcelona)
Lugar: El Bages, Catalunya
Descripción: In the actual context of climate crisis, fires have become more intense and unpredictable. In July 2022, more than 1700 hectares of forest and sixty houses were destroyed by a wildfire in Bages, Catalonia. Many animals were found dead and many others disoriented and damaged by fire. In the image, the burned body of a roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) remains at the bottom of a valley.

Gerard Carbonell Morales

Water is life de Arthur Cech de Saint Jeannet ()
Lugar: close to Midelt, Morocco
Descripción: thousand-year-old Atlas cedars are dying. Water is in many places scarce and access is not easy for everyone.
The photo shows what was once a river, but is now just a small puddle of dirty green water. Still, it's a treasure, a source of life. And this Berber woman laboriously carries it by donkey to her village high up on the hill.

Arthur Cech

Death with a bloody sunset de Arthur Cech de Saint Jeannet ()
Lugar: Jaffar cirque, Morocco
Descripción: This is the horrible end of the forest of giant Atlas cedars in Morocco. Many of them had lived over thousand years, just to find out that it was not in their power to resist to the disastrous consequences of human actions. Raising temperatures, droughts, chemicals in the air…
(the picture taken at sunset, long exposure, ND filter)

Arthur Cech

Causalitat destructiva de Ariadna Lacruz Romani de Barcelona (Barcelona)
Lugar: San Pedro del Pinatar, Múrcia
Descripción: L'ésser humà ha anat creant el seu camí i satisfent els seus desitjos sense pensar que no són els únics que viuen en aquest planeta. Molts dels nostres errors, sorgits de la cobdícia, han sigut la causa de molts dels efectes de destrucció del medi ambient. Mentre que els nostres errors queden permanentment, els éssers vius i els entorns naturals van desapareixent, acabant sent un petit record.

Ariadna Lacruz Romani

Concrete jungle de Giancarlo Velmarch de Pamplona (Navarra)
Lugar: Kampala, Uganda.
Descripción: Kampala is the fastest growing city in Uganda. This usually means losing natural areas and entire ecosystems when done unconsciously. In this case a swamp was reduced into a small patch of trees. Now confined these monkeys are forced to look for food elsewhere. This group of monkeys climbed on the rooftops, cables and spikes from the swamp to a small plantation chased by dogs and people.

Giancarlo Velmarch

There is someone yet de Cailin Cech de Saint Jeannet ()
Lugar: Camargue, France
Descripción: The year 2022 was extremely dry, another consequence of the climate change.
I walked through a dry lagoon and was horrified by what I saw: an endless desert where once there was a place full of life.

Cailin Cech

Aves metálicas de Arnau Valbuena Torrellas de Vilassar de Mar (Barcelona)
Lugar: Vilassar de Mar, Barcelona (Cataluña)
Descripción: El tráfico aéreo global está en constante crecimiento, contribuyendo al efecto invernadero, afectando en gran medida a la calidad del aire y aumentando el número de aves que mueren al chocarse contra aviones.

Arnau Valbuena Torrellas

Wild Art de Gianluca Damiani de Roma (Roma)
Lugar: Rome, Italy
Descripción: Rome has been colonized by an urban population of wild boars (Sus scrofa) attracted by the waste of the city. I had been following a family of boars near my home for several months, observing them feeding on rubbish at night, when one day a controversial graffiti appears on one of the dumpsters of the street. I waited for several nights to get a good shot, when finally the entire family arrived.

Gianluca Damiani

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