Denuncia ecológica

 1º premio
Three Bullets - Canned Tiger Hunt Skin de Britta Jaschinski de London (London)
Lugar: National Wildlife Property Repository for confiscated items, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Colorado, USA, 2016
Descripción: The twentieth century saw the rise of a new 'sport': the canned hunt. Tigers may be shot in cages or within fenced enclosures or shot over feeding stations. Some animals are tame and have little fear of humans, while others may be tied to a stake or drugged before they are shot. The defining characteristic of a canned hunt is that the odds have been artificially manipulated against the animal.

Britta Jaschinski

1º premio
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Pangolin and his protector de Neil Aldridge de Kenn ()
Lugar: South Africa
Descripción: An orphan Temminck's ground pangolin (Smutsia temminckii) stays close to an anti-poaching guard while foraging during its rehab at the Rhino Revolution facility, Limpopo Province, South Africa. This orphan was found after its mother was taken by poachers for the illegal wildlife trade which traffics more pangolins than any other mammal so their scales can be used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Neil Aldridge

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Aves confiscadas de Jaime Culebras de Cáceres (Cáceres)
Lugar: Quito, Ecuador
Descripción: La Policía Medioambiental de Ecuador nos muestra el horror del Tráfico Ilegal de aves en Ecuador. Unas veces capturadas como mascotas y otras como ornamento. ¿Alguien puede entender que esto se pueda considerar arte? Acostumbrado a ver volando libres a estas aves en los bosques tropicales, estar en una sala de decomisos de fauna silvestre es como sumergirte en una pesadilla.

Jaime Culebras

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 Mención de honor
Orangutan in Pyjamas de Louis Supple de Bangkok (Krung Thep)
Lugar: Bangkok, Thailand.
Descripción: Life in Chains is an ongoing series that looks into South East Asia’s wildlife tourism industry. With an estimated 35 million tourists visiting Thailand alone in 2017, the wildlife tourism industry has never been more in demand. People come from all over the world for the novelty of photographs and rides with 'wild' animals. Little do many of these tourists realise what the animals must endure.

Louis Supple

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 Mención de honor
White Rhino Trophies de Britta Jaschinski de London (London)
Lugar: National Wildlife Property Repository For Confiscated Items, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Colorado, USA, 2016
Descripción: These white rhino heads were confiscated at US Border point by special agents. The trophy hunters sold the real horn and replaced them with synthetic horns. The value of rhino horn has risen majorly in the past few years, which gives an incentive to trophy hunters to sell the horns illegally. One rhino horn, which might have sold for US$10,000 ten years ago, can now fetch US$ 500,000.

Britta Jaschinski

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 Mención de honor
Excessive Love de Sirachai Arunrugstichai de Bangkok (Bangkok)
Lugar: Koh Losin, Pattani Province, Thailand
Descripción: A young Whale shark cruises at the sunlit surface with a large group of snorkelers closely following it around for pictures, Koh Losin, Pattani province, Thailand. Whale shark tourism is gaining its popularity throughout the globe, however it need to be effectively managed and regulated to ensure the safety of this endangered species and make this lucrative industry both ethical and sustainable.

Sirachai Arunrugstichai

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 Mención de honor
Turtle Food de Alexander Mustard de Peterborough ()
Lugar: Indian Ocean, off Sri Lanka
Descripción: A jellyfish: Catostylus sp., a favoured food of olive ridley turtles, swims beneath a slick of plastic debris. Is it any surprise that turtles end up eating a lot of plastic. Indian Ocean off Sri Lanka.

Alexander Mustard

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 Mención de honor
Cazador cazado de Claudio Amadeo Abella de Esquel (Chubut)
Lugar: Ruta 40 - Chubut - Patagonia Argentina
Descripción: Zorros Patagónicos, cazados por propietarios de campos que los acusan de matar sus ovejas. Son colgados como trofeos en ingreso a sus propiedades. El hombre se instala con sus ovejas en tierra nativa de zorros y luego acusa a estos de matar su ganado, cuando lo único que hacen es cazar para alimentarse en su hábitat natural.

Claudio Amadeo Abella

Mención de honor
 Mención de honor
Mars de Robert Haasmann de Salzburg (Salzburg)
Lugar: Helgoland - Germany
Descripción: The Gannets look for nesting material in the sea. More often they come back with plastic instead of natural material. Sometimes the plastic becomes a fatal trap.

Robert Haasmann

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