Otros animales

 1º premio
Cosmic Peter de Rupert Kogler de Linz (Upper Austria)
Lugar: Traun-Danube Wetlands, Upper Austria, Austria
Descripción: I was actually waiting for some water birds but since the birds didn't show up, I started playing around with the Water Striders. As all my images this one was also taken without the use of any artificial light, flash or special technique. For me it's important to work with the natural light, because in my opinion it's also part of the natural scenery I would like to capture in an authentic way.

Rupert Kogler

1º premio
 Mención de honor
Dancing de Imre Potyó de Göd (Pest)
Lugar: Danube, Hungary
Descripción: After a few decades, the pectacular endangered water insects Danube mayfly (Ephoron virgo) have returned to the river Danube in 2012, probably due to the increasing water quality (this species has disappeared from the rivers of Middle-Europe for decades owing to water pollution). I have been taking photos on the quiet summer nights about the Danube mayfly swarm (Ephoron virgo) since 6 years.

Imre Potyó

Mención de honor
 Mención de honor
Último aliento de Jaime Culebras de Cáceres (Cáceres)
Lugar: Selva Verde Lodge, Costa Rica
Descripción: Uno de esos momentos en los que eres testigo de lo maravillosa y cruel de la naturaleza. Caminando con unos turistas es esta reserva, vimos este "Anolis humilis" siendo cazado por esta araña lobo. Al principio tomé algunas fotos al nivel del suelo pero luego me llamó más la atención la expresión del Anolis aún vivo visto desde arriba.

Jaime Culebras

Mención de honor
 Mención de honor
101 Crocodiles de Ignacio Medem Seghers de MADRID (Madrid)
Lugar: Zàmbia
Descripción: Más de 100 cocodrilos tardaron exactamente tres días en convertir los restos del hipopótamo que debió morir por causas naturales en abono para el río Luangwa.

Ignacio Medem Seghers

Mención de honor
 Mención de honor
Salto a las estrellas de José Luis Roldan Sosa de SEVILLA (SEVILLA)
Lugar: Ubrique, Cádiz
Descripción: Imagen de una ranita meridional, Hyla meridionalis, saltando de un junco a otro en su hábitat en el momento de mayor actividad de estos animales. Tomada in situ, con comportamiento inducido sin contacto ni cebo.

José Luis Roldan Sosa

Mención de honor
 Mención de honor
Newborn de Daróczi Csaba de Soltvadkert (Bacs-Kiskun)
Lugar: Soltvadkert, Hungary
Descripción: The larva of Curculio glandium lives inside the crop the whole summer and when it had eaten the inside of the acorn, it cuts itself out, it hides in the duff and it pupates there. The idea of the picture came from collecting acorn to feed jay birds, and the other day I saw, that the bin I was collecting in was full of larva. Here I just needed some creativity to make this picture.

Daróczi Csaba

Mención de honor
 Mención de honor
Armada de Rob Blanken de Veenwouden ()
Lugar: Paramaribo, Suriname
Descripción: Four-eyed fish (Anableps). Four-eyed fishes are surface dwellers and have eyes adapted for seeing both above and below the water surface. The eyes are on top of the head, and each is divided into two parts, an upper half for vision in air, and a lower half for vision in water; hence, the common name.

Rob Blanken

Mención de honor
 Mención de honor
Wasp Spider de Christian-Dietrich Morawitz de Dresden (Sachsen)
Lugar: Biosphere reserve, eastern Saxony, Germany
Descripción: The image was taken in a forest in the Biosphere reserve in eastern Saxony in Germany. These spiders are very common on sandy open spaces in the forest.

Christian-Dietrich Morawitz

Mención de honor
 Mención de honor
Tad-pool de Emanuele Biggi de Genova ()
Lugar: Lambir Hills National Park, Sarawak (Malaysian Borneo)
Descripción: A small group of Saffron-bellied Frog (Chaperina fusca) tadpoles swimming into the picther of a carnivorous plant (Nepenthes bicalcarata) without being digested by the plant's fluid. Lambir Hills National Park, Sarawak (Malaysian Borneo).
Taken from above of the pitcher by putting a torch light under it to show the tadpoles inside.

Emanuele Biggi

Mención de honor
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