Arte en la naturaleza

 1º premio
Yin and Yang de Gheorghe Popa de Aiud (Alba)
Lugar: Cuejdel lake, Romania
Descripción: Aerial view of Cuejdel lake in winter before the complete frost of the water. Cuejdel is the biggest natural dam in Romania, that's the explanation for these trees.

Gheorghe Popa

1º premio
 2º premio
Lionfish and tridactna de Sergey Shanin de Moscow (Moscow)
Lugar: Red Sea, Egypt, Dahab
Descripción: The beauty of the underwater inhabitants always delights divers and leaves no one indifferent. Sometimes the underwater world is compared to the cosmos.

Sergey Shanin

2º premio
 Mención de honor
Spectre de Joseph Anthony de Bournemouth (Dorset)
Lugar: Big Island - Hawaii
Descripción: A lava fissure opens up in the Lower East Rift Zone in Hawaii and looks like a tentacled spectre. This was one of many fissures that erupted during the historic 2018 Kilauea eruption in Hawaii. The biggest in over 200 years.

Joseph Anthony

Mención de honor
 Mención de honor
Egg universe de Imre Potyó de Göd (Pest)
Lugar: Börzsöny hill, Hungary
Descripción: The egg masses of the very rare common frog are floating in a small pond, with the bare tree branches reflecting on the water surface. The picture was takin at dusk, early in the spring in the Börzsöny hill, while I was listening to the loud singing of blackbirds and the reserved, rhytmic croaking of the frogs. In the low lights I used a six seconds long exposure. In the forest turning blue I used

Imre Potyó

Mención de honor
 Mención de honor
Wonderland de Cristiana Damiano de Monfalcone (Gorizia)
Lugar: Italy
Descripción: Sometimes, close to home, unusual wonders are discovered, if you have eyes and imagination. The resurgences raise sediments that seen on the contrary look like a sky; the lucky perfect reflection of the trees creates a fantastic landscape, and the sunset with the colored reflections creates a fairytale atmosphere. A new world in our everyday world.

Cristiana Damiano

Mención de honor
 Mención de honor
Shadows de Daisy Gilardini de Vancouver (British Columbia)
Lugar: Falkand Islands
Descripción: A group of King Penguin on the beach at Volunteer Point in the Falkland Islands. Drones, when used respectfully, and in accordance with strict safety rules — including proper training and official flight authorizations, combined with respect for wildlife — these little machines allow one to produce documentary and educational material with a minimal carbon footprint.

Daisy Gilardini

Mención de honor
 Mención de honor
Bastet de Lluc Semis de Pobla de Mafumet (Pobla de Mafumet)
Lugar: El Morell - Tarragona - España
Descripción: Después de las intensas heladas de este pasado invierno aproveché para salir a tomar algunas fotos del hielo. Rompiendo una placa de hielo de una balsa de riego se formó en uno de los pedazos esta forma, que me recordó a la cabeza de gato de la diosa egipcia Bastet. Aprovechando el contraluz para resaltar los brillos y el contorno y utilizando mi mochila negra como fondo logré esta fotografía.

Lluc Semis

Mención de honor
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